Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Stones of Light Pt. 9: The Philosopher's Stone


Philosopher's Stone from Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone (2001)

The Philosopher's Stone comes to use from the Alchemical Tradition. Alchemy is the art and science of transformation and is the precursor to modern chemistry. The creation of the Philosopher's Stone has been the aim of alchemist since antiquity. 

It has two basic functions. They are:

  • To turn base metals, such as lead, into gold. 
  • To create the Elixir of Life which confers immortality upon the person who drinks it. 

However, according to legend, the Philosopher's Stone also has the ability to heal dead or dying plants, to turn rocks into precious jewels, and the ability to create clones of other beings. 

The creation of the Phislopher's Stone is said to occur through a process called the Magnum Opus (Great Work). In more specific terms, the stone is said to be manufactured through a series of chemical processes. Each stage in this series of processes is associated with a color which results in first a white stone, and then a red one. The White stone is to be a less mature version of the red stone. The White stone is said to turn base metals into silver, which the red one will transmute them into gold. 

According to some, Nicholas Flamel is the only person who has ever successfully manufactured the Philosopher's Stone and although it is said that he died in 1418, others believe him to have achieved immortality. However, there is a general consensus among historians that while Nicholas Flamel was a real person his reputation as an alchemist was completely made up after his death.... or is that what they WANT you to believe???

- Carolina Dean 

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