Tuesday, June 21, 2022

MIPC: Br'er Rabbit's Money Mojo

 Note: MIPC stands for Magic in Popular Culture and this is a series of posts in which I take a spell, ritual, tradition, or  belief from a work of fiction such as a movie, book, tv show, or comic book and analyze it against real world magical theory and practices. 

The Spell or Ritual
Brer Wolf look at de money-pus, en see w’at in it. Hit ‘uz one er deze yer kinder money-pus wid tossle on de een’ en shiny rings in de middle. Brer Wolf look in afar fer ter see w’at he kin see. In one een’ dey wuz a piece er calamus-root en some collard-seeds, en in de tier een’ dey wuz a great big rabbit foot. 
Brother Rabbit and his Famous Foot
Joel Chandler Harris 

The Analysis

On the whole, I think that this is a very solid money drawing mojo bag. Collard greens are associated with drawing prosperity and are often eaten as part of the Rites of the New Year for this very purpose. Calamus root is famous for controlling people and situations as well as breaking jinxes. It is mentioned in the Bible in Exodus 3 as being used to make an anointing oil. In this instance, I would say that it is included in this mojo bag to control his personal financial situation. Finally, the rabbit's foot has been carried for centuries to bring luck and grant wishes (although I have to wonder about a sentient rabbit carrying a rabbit's foot for luck.) 

- Carolina Dean 

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